Re: Compact Disc Cards

From: John Matturri (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Mar 25 2007 - 11:16:37 PDT

I'd add an additional backup to dvds also, just in case there is some
unlikely condition that the machines can somehow zap digital memory.
That's paranoia. A maybe more reasonable explanation is that the laptop
and external drives, and probably the cards, would probably all travel
in the same carry-on, but you might be less inhibited about separately
putting the dvds in checked luggage. Where any backing up is concerned
you can't have too much redundancy.


Fred Camper wrote:
> Jesse Lerner wrote:
>>> > Lastly, how safe are the cards to take thru an airport? I imagine
>>> I should
>>> > carry them with me, or go for hand inspection rather than on the
>>> belt.
>> X-rays shouldn't effect these. It's analogous to putting your laptop
>> through the x-ray scanner.
>> jl
> I've brought my 2 GB CF cards through many, many airports in different
> parts of the world with no effect.
> Still, any digital thing can malfunction. I strongly recommend
> immediately backing up all your CF files to a hard drive. Backing them
> up to two different hard drives (a laptop's and a portable external
> drive) wouldn't hurt.
> Fred Camper
> Chicago
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