Re: Happy accidents

From: andrew lampert (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Mar 26 2007 - 11:00:36 PDT

I've always liked this film (description from Coop):

Michael Gitlin

Shudder (top and bottom) (2001) 16mm, color, sound, 3
min. rental price: 25.00

The source for Shudder (top and bottom) is a piece of
found footage on which a 35mm film image was
mistakenly printed on 16mm film stock. Each frame of
the original 35mm image covers two 16mm frames, with
the top half of the original image on one frame and
the bottom half on the next frame. When projected,
this misprint becomes a kind of shuddering optical
toy, with a dense, collagist soundtrack that rubs
against the complicated visual weave of the images.
Shudder (top and bottom) scratches at the fiction of
the original footage, leaving behind, in its
phosphene-laden after-image, a throbbing world of
lonely danger.

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