From: Carlos Kase (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Apr 10 2007 - 19:19:00 PDT
Cinematheque 108
This Thursday: April 12 at 7:00PM
University of Southern California
850 West 34th St., Los Angeles, 90089
Lucas Building, Room 108
Artists / Films: The Fine Art of Cinema from the USC Film Archives
This screening event presents a variety of approaches to cinema and
visual arts by artists who worked across the imaginary divide that
separates the “movies” from fine art practice. Some of these films show
artists at work, but move beyond the mere document of art making.
Others use cinema to embalm time and preserve the ephemeral. And some
treat film itself as a medium for plastic sculpture.
Films will include (all 16mm):
Jackson Pollock (Hans Namuth and Paul Falkenberg, 1951)
Sort of a Commercial for an Icebag (Michael Hugo, 1969), featuring
Claes Oldenburg
Paul Revere (Richard Serra and Joan Jonas, 1971)
Hand Catching Lead (Richard Serra, 1968)
Powers of Ten (Charles and Ray Eames, 1978)
T-Hybrid V-1 (Keith Sonnier, 1971)
Corridor (Standish Lawder, 1970), sound by Terry Riley
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.