From: esperanza collado (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Apr 18 2007 - 02:36:37 PDT
Dear Ingo,
I forgot to mention two extraordinary books regarding the concept of
cinematic time which could very well work as introductory material:
Image-Movement (1983) and Image-Time, Gilles Deleuze's studies on
cinema. These books are in part inspired by another philosopher, Henri
Bergson, whose writings on time and duration as a construction of the
mind are very much applicable to the laws of cinema.
Good luck
Esperanza Collado.
On 18/04/07, iimura <email suppressed> wrote:
> May I introduce my films which deal time directly as a text as well as an
> experience.
> 24 FRAMES PER SECOND, 1975-78 , B&W, 12min.
> "Both in terms of its examination of time and space, of light and darkness,
> of visuals and sounds; and in terms of its demands and potential rewards for
> an audience, 24 FRAME PER SECOND is the quintessential Iimura film." Scott
> Macdonald
> 2 MINUTES 46 SECONDS 16 FRAMES(100 FEET)",1972, B&W, 9min.(Also other 3
> films included in MODELS, Reel 1: TIMING1, 2, 3, 4, TIME LENGTH 1,2,3,4 ,
> TIMED 1,2,3. 4 films, totally 43min. )
> "By using simple systems of counting and measuring in film, Iimura has drawn
> attention to the complexities of our time perception - memory, rhythm, phase
> - and the interaction between coucious conception of time, and the physical
> perception of its passing. " -- Malcolm Le Grice
> "As the title suggests, Models defines the general concerns which
> characterize Iimura's nonphotographic films. The most important of these
> concerns is his exploration of the real space and time of film experience. "
> -- Scott MacDonald
> 1 TO 60 SECONDS (1973) 16mm, b&w, sound, 30-1/2 min.
> "In 1 to 60 Seconds Iimura does an extraordinary thing: he abstracts time
> from any concrete associations, seems to put it on the screen and there you
> sit looking at (or for) it, experiencing it. The film is all black leader
> except for the numbers 1 to 60 that appear individually in sequence to
> indicate the amount of time in seconds that each of them followed one second
> letter by a number or numbers indicate the total amount of time that has
> thus far transpired. So at each juncture you know beforehand how much time
> awaits you before the next and how much is behind you, and then it's just
> you and the black screen. " -- Paul Poggiali
> MA(Intervals) (1975/77) 16mm, color and b&w, sound, 22 min.
> "MA, a Japanese concept of time/space as one is interpreted in the sense of
> intervals in film in which only the segments of light and darkness, and a
> white line and a black line all measured by 1,2,3 seconds are seen and
> perceived." (T.I.)
> Above films are available from Filmmakers Coop, New York, and some are also
> from Lux, London and Light Cone, Paris. T.I.
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
-- Esperanza Collado Sánchez 00353 872 768 794 __________________________________________________________________ For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.