Basement Films Presents: Audio/Visual Show 2

From: Bryan Konefsky (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Apr 24 2007 - 09:15:39 PDT

Basement Films Presents: Audio/Visual Show 2 - The Sound
Meets the Screen (Albuquerque, New Mexico)

WHAT: One of the most exciting weekends at the film
center of 2005 is back. In the span of a mere two days
musicians and moving image artists, both veterans of the
past year and newcomers alike, will conjure new
association between the best in both cinematic image and
non-diagetic sound. Like in the silent era of a cinema
long since past, witness movies with LIVE sound tracks.
But no ordinary movies. No ordinary soundtracks. Like
every Basement Films event before it, in this cinema
things will be different.

Friday April 27
8 PM - K Lobotomy
9 PM - The OVX2 W/ Alchemical Burn - Film Loops by bpg

Saturday April 28
8 PM - Shoe Shine Cinema: Confusion is Sexy Performed by a
Henley/ Konefsky Tango
9 PM - We Drew Lightning W/ Visuals by Vadi Grontis

WHERE: The Southwest Film Center on the UNM campus.

For a good idea of where the film center is follow this

WHEN: Friday April 27 & Saturday April 28 starting at 8pm

HOW MUCH: Tickets are a mere $5 per night.

CONTACT: Brian Gillespie email suppressed

Basement Films
P.O. Box 7669
ABQ NM 87194

cini/vidi housing for that different stuff !!

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.