May 3 CHRIS KRAUS: Gravity + Grace, Writing + Film

From: rebekah rutkoff (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Apr 29 2007 - 09:19:56 PDT

You may know CK's work in theory and fiction--this is a rare chance to see
her films and hear her talk about them.
Gravity + Grace, Writing + Film

Narrating clips from her rarely-seen underground films of the 80s, writer
and filmmaker Chris Kraus describes the juncture in her theoretical fictions
between performance, high theory, reportage, and low comedy. Kraus is the
author of I Love Dick, Aliens & Anorexia, Video Green: Los Angeles Art and
the Triumph of Nothingness, and Torpor. Her films include Gravity & Grace
(about Simone Weil), How To Shoot A Crime, and The Golden Bowl or
Repression. She is a co-editor of Semiotext(e).
Thurs May 3
CUNY Graduate Center
Segal Theater
365 5th Ave (34/35th)

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.