ElectroFringe 2007 – Call for Screen Works

From: Daniel Heckenberg (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Apr 30 2007 - 23:01:51 PDT

Festival of Electronic Arts and Culture.
27th September to 1st October 2007.

Electrofringe is a 5-day festival of electronic arts and culture
featuring national and international artists and occurring as part of
the ‘This Is Not Art’ festival in Newcastle, NSW.The festival is
dedicated to unearthing emergent forms, presenting innovative work
and encouraging participants to explore technology collaboratively
through skills development and exchange.

Electforinge 2007 is currently calling for work for inclusion in it's
ElectroProjections screenings program. The ElectroProjections screen
program showcases boundary pushing film, video, animation and
documentaries that engage with new technologies, reveal elusive sub-
cultures, investigate audio/visual relationships, explode narrative
possibilities, explore performance on screen or apply experimental

• works made in the last 2 years
• works for single screen stereo
• maximum 10 mins duration
• ElectroFringe premiere

There is some scope for specialist one off screenings of longer works
that can be screened outside of the ElectroProjections Program.
Longer works can be submitted here.

Whilst there is no screening fee for inclusion in ElectroProjections,
the programs are toured internationally and they are an excellent
opportunity for your work to be seen widely.

To submit a screen work for inclusion in the ElectroProjections
screenings program please send DVD’s and submissions to:

Unit 7 / 345 Marrickville Road
Marrickville NSW 2204

Submissions MUST include:

- 1 x copy self playing DVD-PAL (labelled with Name and Title)

- 1 x copy high quality of film/video burnt as PAL DV .avi file to
DVD or CD (labelled with Name and Title)

-A text file on DVD or CD including the following:

Website URL
Biography (50 words or less)
Title of Film/Video
Year Completed
Film description (200 words or less)
Film/Video Specs (eg animated paper cuts, Super 8, Mined)

All DVD’s and CD’s should be labelled with applicant name and Title
of work.

Also please send an email to ef07screenworks[at]electrofringe.net
including the details listed above (this assists us in organising our

We will contact you if we require any further information.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.