Re: aesthetic theory?

From: Roger Beebe (email suppressed)
Date: Thu May 03 2007 - 00:24:35 PDT

Not specifically about visual aesthetics, but worth reading since
it's pretty much the foundational work of all Western aesthetics (at
least through postmodernism) is Kant's Third Critique (The Critique
of Judgment). The most important parts are Analytic of the Beautiful
and Analytic of the Sublime. True philosophy nerds may disagree, but
I'd say you can skip the section on Teleological Judgments.

(Of course, if you want to go way back, how about Horace's Ars
Poetica or Longinus's On the Sublime or...or...or...)

Two cents,

On May 3, 2007, at 3:38 AM, l d wrote:

> Hey all,
> I am wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction of
> some books or other texts on the philosophy or theory of
> aesthetics. It doesn't have be specifically about cinema. Anything
> about visual aesthetics (painting, sculpture, what-have-you) would
> be wonderful. Thanks.
> Liam Dale
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