cogcollective presents: Index Generator 2.2

From: Steven Ball (email suppressed)
Date: Thu May 03 2007 - 01:16:27 PDT

cogcollective presents:
Index Generator 2.2

4pm, Sunday 6th May 2007
3 Torrens St,
London, EC1V 1NQ
email suppressed

Index Generator 2.2 is a programme of recent international video
works located at the intersection of urban, media and political
space. It traces contemporary society's capacity to generate non-stop
discourse, the constant dialogue of being in the world, in a critical
and symbolic reflection of the dataflow of the super- structured
values of the global capitalist military industrial entertainment
Featuring works from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Israel/Netherlands,
Italy, Japan, Palestine and Spain.

This programme is a selection from Index Generator 2, curated by
Carlo Sansolo and Erika Fraenkel for the ReverberAções 2006 festival
in São Paulo, Brazil.


About a Theological Situation in the Society of Spectacle
Masayuki Kawai (6.5min, Japan, 2001)
TV stars and Mikados are ubiquitous not as a symbol but analogy to be
referred to. The image quoted from Society of Spectacle hallucinates
us the ruin of itself by using deliberate imitation of mass-media image.

Exchangeable Cities
Kentaro Taki (5 min, Japan, 2001)
Globalization and huge infrastructures result in an equalization of
the world, information and urban space homogenises. Many elements of
the world are assembled into a fake city piece. The
spectacularization of the city as an overflow of images.

Das Kapital Version 07
Marcello Mercado (17 min, Argentina, 2003)
Command lines, programming lingo, coordinate instructions and video
edit commands create a fatal illusion of mastery over the screen and
its embedded database. The viewer/master in tune with the chaotic
flow of capital and images is never confronted with the impact of
this virtual flow on the real.

A Copiaeos Desajertados
Erika Frankel (6 min, Brazil, 2006)
A video that expiates the abuse in society where constant seduction
makes weak. An analysis on the non possibility of todays man to feel
at home, a tale about the anxiety of the actual world.

Pascal Liévre & Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay (3 min, Canada, 2005)
The language of anti-terrorism takes an unexpected form in this
seductive propaganda video, Pascal Lièvre and Benny Nemerofsky
Ramsay's first collaborative work.

Ozuland 001
Carlo Sansolo (10 min, Brazil, 2006)
ozuland001 is a audio/video/text compilation analysing the old
suspects: control - mass media - post industrial capitalism - lack
of consciousness and the like.

Kyoto 1
Akiko Nakamura (3.5 min, Japan, 2003)
Kyoto 1 is a time-based digital urban portrait of a figure. In
retrospect, it exudes a very subtle aversive feeling.

Happy Days
Larissa Sansour (3 min, Palestine, 2006)
Happy Days is a video that exposes everyday Palestinian life under
Israeli occupation. The idea is to subjugate international politics
to a format normally associated with entertainment and thereby call
attention to the blurry boundary between the two.

Sagi Groner (19.5 min, Israel/Netherlands, 2006)
A pilot, a DJ, a Kung-Fu master and software developers meet together
and enjoy apples by courtesy of Lockheed Martin. Composed entirely
of images found on the internet, Misshapen is a meditation on vision
machines and the philosophy of precision.

lluvia Dorada
Andrés Senra (3 min, Spain, 2003)
Certain elements of the representation of war in the history of art
are common in different moments and historical contexts, the mass
media connects with political power representing the victories of
their monarchs. The hieratic emperor, military power, and the
economic power, together with the captured beast and submitted to a
medicine on
his body.

Mylicon/EN (4.5 min, Italy, 2004)
Chrom is an imaginary raid of Mylicon/En into an operating-theatre:
an anaesthetized video/body, a temporary loss of consciousness, a
state in which everything flows and the boundaries between body and
space get blurred.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.