From: Freya (email suppressed)
Date: Thu May 03 2007 - 12:17:44 PDT
I think Brook is just suggesting that the book,
the Routledge Companion to Aesthetics, is a good
starting point for finding out about other texts that
might be intresting to you which you could then go and
explore for real! In this way finding out about which
books might be especially exciting to you personally.
Of course you might miss out on intresting stuff
because someone made it sound disintresting when
actually it's really exciting and just your thing!
I guess it depends a bit on if it ends up being the
gateway to other stuff or the gatekeeper!
I'm not sure he was suggesting you should skip the
actual texts, and I do kind of know what you mean
about the actual texts although I personally found the
wikipedia entry on Kant a great help in slowly coming
to an understanding of what Kant was saying, I also
found that reading the actual text helped me to
understand what I thought he was meaning and to draw
my own conclusions about what he was meaning. It's
better that way too because you can then discuss your
own opinions on Kant with someone as opposed to only
knowing what someone else said about him.
Actually I found it quite helpful to have someone else
to sit down with and to discuss what we both felt the
texts meant and our conclusions from them! Of course
finding someone to do that with you might be hard. :(
Speaking of Kant theres some texts by him and all
kinds of other related documents right here on the
Heres one good jumping off point:
One thing I know for certain is that it's really good
to have a water supply! I've just been 4 days without
water and the workmen have just fixed the problem,
although the street now looks like it has been invaded
by giant mutant moles.
It's hard to be worried about Kant when you don't have
water. ;)
*waving her hands in the air like she just don't
--- Cari Machet <email suppressed> wrote:
> i cannot disagree loud enough
> having someone else write about what someone else
> wrote
> can be very akin to a game of telephone
> it is not like they have distilled the texts
> these texts are very rich
> and 'you' have a brain - think for yourself
> there is something called 'subjective'
> what you bring to the table in terms of reading a
> text - experience in
> general
> is 'different'
> it is very co-dependent to approach an entire
> subject in this manner
> let alone one book
> reading socrates or anything for yourself is VERY
> different than having some
> academic
> 'decipher' the text for you
> and
> i find this way of "learning"
> disgusting
> c
> On 5/3/07, Brook Hinton <email suppressed> wrote:
> >
> > I'd advise starting with a
> collection/overview/history, something like
> > the Routledge Companion to Aesthetics but there
> are plenty of others,
> > rather than specific texts. Then move on to the
> writers/thinkers that
> > inspire or are relevant for your purposes and fill
> in with recent work
> > in the fields you're exploring. It's a pretty huge
> and varied field.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Brook Hinton
> > film/video/audio art
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.
> >
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.
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