Re: Putting your films on DVD

From: Jorge Amaro (email suppressed)
Date: Mon May 14 2007 - 06:13:32 PDT

Hello Jay,

Most recent dvd players convert NTSC signal to PAL and vice versa so
it wont make much of a difference, there are tons of applications you
can use to make dvd menus, most of them freeware a quick search in
google should help you, as for the transfers I cant be of much help,
maybe if you scan the filmstrip? But i'm not completely sure of the
results, maybe someone can enlight you in this matter better than I.


On 14/05/07, Jay Hudson <email suppressed> wrote:
> I want to put some films on a DVD so that they are
> viewable everywhere. Shall I do both PAL and NTSC
> transfers, etc.? How can I get a menu page and all
> that? I thought it would be a straight forward thing
> but it is a little confusing. I never bother with
> tranfering at all. How do you do this on the cheap
> with little fuss?
> Any input would be valuable.
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