Re: diary films

From: Andy Ditzler (email suppressed)
Date: Tue May 22 2007 - 17:23:35 PDT

I had read somewhere - perhaps in Scott MacDonald's Critical Cinema interview with Jim McBride - that the title character in David Holzman's Diary was based on Andrew Noren, who might also be mentioned in the context of diary films. David Holzman's Diary has been released on DVD by Second Run.

There are diaristic elements in many of the videos made by AIDS activists, particularly Stashu Kybartas’s Danny, Gregg Bordowitz (Habit, Boat Trip) and Adam Gale’s Rubber Queen: An AIDS Docu-Diary.

While researching diary films for a series last fall, I noted (but was not able to see) John Smith's Hotel Diaries, available from Video Data Bank.

Andy Ditzler
Atlanta, GA

-----Original Message-----
>From: "William Wees, Dr." <email suppressed>
>Sent: May 22, 2007 6:36 PM
>To: email suppressed
>Subject: Re: diary films
>Some relevant-if ancient-history dredged up from my personal archives. In 1978 the Art Gallery of Ontario sponsored a series of screenings, exhibitions, talks, and panels entitled "Autobiography." Some diary films were among the featured works. Your best source of information would be the catalogue for the event entitled "Autobiography: Film/Video/Photography," edited by John Katz. The contents include "The Celluloid Self" by Jay Ruby and "Autobiographical Film" by John Katz. Maybe it is still possible to order a copy from the AGO.
>I won't try to list all the films and videos that were shown. Some of them and/or their makers have been mentioned by other Frameworkers, but no one, I believe, has mentioned "David Holzman's Diary" (1967), which is a very convincing faux diary film by Jim McBride. I have no idea who, if anyone, distributes it today.
>-Bill Wees
>William C. Wees, Editor
>McGill University
> 853 Sherbrooke St. West--ArtsW225
>Montreal, QC H3A 2T6
>514-398-4935 (telephone) 514-398-7247 (fax)
>From: Experimental Film Discussion List on behalf of gyoungblood
>Sent: Tue 5/22/2007 11:13 AM
>To: email suppressed
>Subject: diary films
>Can anyone recommend writings about diary films, especially theoretical writings or ones that discuss different kinds of films which might be considered "diaries," and what the different genres and criteria are? If there's a thread that might be in the Frameworks archive, let me know.
>Also film/video makers known for diary work. I've thought of the following:
>Michel Auder
>Gordon Ball
>Robert Huot
>George Kuchar
>Boris Lehman
>Ross McElwee
>Jonas Mekas
>David Perlov
>Anne Robertson
>Gene Youngblood
>Department of Moving Image Arts
>The College of Santa Fe
>1600 St. Michael's Drive
>Santa Fe, NM. 87505 USA
>Vox: +1.505.473.6406
>Fax: +1.505.473.6403
>Office: email suppressed
>Home: email suppressed
>__________________________________________________________________ For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.