Re: The Paris Screening (Help, Please)?

From: ev petrol (email suppressed)
Date: Thu May 24 2007 - 13:30:59 PDT

Dear One i wish i was there, sounds amazing, lucky you. Leave a kiss for me to France. You should call Cecile Paris right away to see because she knows everyone and all the places. I am thinking ask her about THE MAC VAL (musee d'art contemporain, superbe)
  cecile paris
  email suppressed

ben russell <email suppressed> wrote:
  Dear Frameworkers,

Greetings from Bordeaux - Joe Grimm and I just had a totally fantastic show here (stop #2 on the infinite tour), but it looks like our Paris screening/performance at La Generale fell through, and I was wondering if any of you might have any last-minute suggestions or contacts to push my way. We'll be in Paris on Friday - Tuesday morning, and a screening at any point in-between (in gardens, squats, galleries, or boats) would be grand indeed. Thanks in advance, and I hope to see some of you on the road.


Ben Russell
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