From: benj gerdes (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Jun 08 2007 - 08:02:54 PDT
I'm leading a workshop at PS122 Gallery this Sunday as part of the
project SUMMER SCHOOL (full information below). It's intended for
hand processing novices (including myself) so feel free to come by or
pass along to students and other interested parties.
benj gerdes
June 10
1:00-5:00pm CHEMISTRY
Uneven Development on Super-8 / Benj Gerdes
In this teach-in we will explore how to make a film about a structure
that is not
fully visible. We will shoot, process, and screen a group-authored
super-8 film
all in one afternoon. The workshop and film will address predatory
real estate
development in the neighborhood around PS122. Super-8mm film will
serve as
a method of accessing a prior historical moment in the same
Results may vary.
FREE and open to the public.
PS122 Gallery, 150 1st Avenue, New York. Entrance on 9th St. between
1st and Ave. A.
PS122 Gallery and The Classroom
150 1st Avenue, NYC (at 9th Street)
> For a complete schedule of participating artists and classes, please
> visit:
> + + +
> SUMMER SCHOOL is a temporary school that offers lectures, workshops
> and performances led by artists. Free and open to the public,
> Summer School playfully adapts educational strategies to transmit
> alternative knowledge. Classes range from Home Economics (a
> cooking show in Esperanto), to History (a presentation of
> propaganda films) and Physical Education (a workshop using digital
> media to organize physical movement). Summer School takes place at
> PS122 Gallery.
> Faculty includes:
> Jimbo Blachy & Lytle Shaw | Jonah Bokaer | Allen Frame | Benj
> Gerdes | Tamar Guimaraes | Fritz Haeg | Leif Holmstrand | Seth Kim-
> Cohen | Laloko | Lin + Lam | Trygve Luktvasslimo | Lize Mogel |
> Xaviera Simmons & Claudia DeSouza-Baptista | Ginger Brooks
> Takahashi | Soyoung Yoon
> Organized by HOMEWORK
> + + +
> Please visit for schedule and
> details.
> PS122 Gallery and The Classroom are located at 150 1st Avenue
> (entrance on 9th Street between Ave A & 1st Ave.), New York.
> Gallery hours are: Thursday through Sunday 12 to 6pm. Subways: 6 to
> Astor Place, L to 1st Avenue, N/R to 8th Street.
> + + +
> HOMEWORK is a collaboration between artists Ditte Lyngkaer
> Pedersen, Carlos Motta, Lize Mogel, and Jeuno J.E Kim. Conceived as
> a study group, an editorial team and a curatorial collaborative,
> HOMEWORK investigates relationships between art and ³the
> political², education and politics, process and product.
> Throughout 2007, HOMEWORK will edit a series of issues of
> and organize events and exhibitions in Aarhus, DK and
> New York City.
> These events are made possible through support from the Danish Arts
> Council's DaNY Arts Grant, The New York State Council on the Arts
> and The Friends of PS122
> Gallery, New York.
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.