Re: Jefferson Presents...#80

From: Sandra Maliga (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Jun 15 2007 - 19:44:50 PDT

in what city?


On Jun 15, 2007, at 6:30 AM, ADAM ABRAMS wrote:

> Jefferson Presents...#80
> Sat. 05/23/07, 9:00PM
> $5, $4 Students
> Garfield Artworks, 4931 Penn Ave.
> Bruce Baillie
> Mass For The Dakota Sioux (1964) 16mm, black and white, sound, 20.5
> min
> Synopsis: The film begins with a short introduction--No chance for
> me to live, Mother you might as well mourn Sitting Bull Hunkpapa
> Sioux Chief. Applause for a lone figure dying on the street.
> INTROIT. A long, lightly-exposed section composed in the camera.
> KYRIE. A motor cyclist crossing the San Francisco Bridge
> accompanied by the sound of the Gregorian chant, recorded at the
> Trappist Monastery in Vina, California. The sounds of the mass rise
> and fall throughout. GLORIA. The sound of a siren and a short
> sequence of a '33 Cadillac proceeding over the Bay Bridge
> disappearing into a tunnel. The final section of the Communion
> begins with the OFFERTORY in a procession of lights and figures to
> the second chant. The anonymous figure from the introduction is
> discovered again, dead on the pavement. The body is consecrated and
> taken away past an indifferent, isolated people, accompanied by the
> final chant. The Mass is traditionally a celebration of life; thus
> the contradiction between the form of the Mass and the theme of
> Death. The dedication is to the religious people who were destroyed
> by the civilization which evolved the Mass.
> Quixote (1965) 16mm, color & b/w, sound, 45 min
> Climaxing the film makers first period of work, QUIXOTE is a kind
> of summary and conclusion of a number of themes, etc., especially
> that of the hero... depicting Western orientation as essentially
> one of conquest. The film is conceived in a number of different
> styles and on a number of simultaneous levels. In four parts, one
> reel. "More relevant than ever, Bruce Baillie's 'American
> Symphony' ... released in 1990 via an S-VHS master." -- Frankfurter
> Zettung "American as conquistador ...." -- P. Adams Sitney "--
> quixotic filmmaker become the hero of his own film." -- S. Frey One-
> year journey through the land of incessant progress, researching
> those sources which have given rise twenty years later to the
> essential question of survival.
> Rudolph Burckhardt
> Caterpillar (1973) 16mm, color, sound, 6 min
> Looking down at nature's small works in the woods of Maine, the
> straight up at the sky, then down again at the going-on of an inch
> worm. It could happen any day.
> David Devensky
> Beethoven's Chicken (1970) 16mm, color, sound, 6.5 min
> "... consists of chickens being butchered and hung out on meat
> hooks, to the accompaniment of the Fifth Symphony. As the film
> progresses, the imagery mutates from nearly documentary to nearly
> surreal. An eyeball-clashing scene recalls "Chien Andalou" yet
> Devensky holds it on-screen much longer than Dali and Bunuel.
> Finally a chickens' skull is pounded to bits by a hammer. And each
> time we think (or wish) the final blow has fallen another follows.
> The camera peeks all the while and one is uncertain of what is more
> disquiting - the action on the film, or ridged stare of the camera.
> --Richard Koszarski, New York American
> Robert Rayher
> A Man in the Box (1978) 16mm, color, 7.15 min
> "Rather than looking outward, and creating a spherical universe
> around itself (e.g. Michael Snow's LA REGION CENTRAL) , the camera
> is introspective, defining itself by how it 'sees the world'; it
> never sees anything but itself. A MAN IN THE BOX is a camera's
> photographic memory, trying to focus upon its own image." R.R.
> Kathrin Resetarits
> Egypt (1997) 16mm, black and white, sound, 10 min
> Subtitled print.
> Joyce Wieland
> Catfood (1968) 16mm, color, sound, 13 min
> "In CATFOOD she shows a cat devouring fish after fish for some ten
> minutes. There seems to be no repetition of shots, but the imagery
> is so consistent throughout--shot of the fish, the cat eating, his
> paw clawing, another fish, the cat eating, etc.--that it is just
> possible theat shots are recurrent, There is no question but that
> Wieland has a unique talent." P. Adams Sitney, Film Culture "J.W.'s
> CATFOOD is as uncompromising and didactic as anything by Godard"
> The New Yorker
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> Check it out!
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.