From: DJ Roddick (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Jul 13 2007 - 14:58:21 PDT
That's right!
2007 Festival Announced!!! Aug. 17-18!!! NO ENTRY FEE!!!
Northern Minnesota's favorite experimental film/music festival is back for a
whopping 7th year! We are heavily encouraging live visual/sounds at this
years' festival, as well as the usual in unusual film and video from around
the globe. If you have a live performance idea, please respond to
(address suppressed) If you have a film to submit, please SEND IT OUR WAY!
Remember, we are not a traditional festival. We select the most
unconventional material for screening, and are not interested in commercial
or Hollywood-style flicks. We value innovation and tenacity over the big
$$$, and champion the independent DIY artist. If you believe your work is
new, original, or defies expectation in any way, this may be a good festival
for you.
Less than half of what we receive is actually shown, so please don't be
discouraged if your piece isn't programmed.
To submit, print off the attached entry form or print it off the website
(, and send it our way.
Bearded Child Film Festival
Myles Reif Performing Arts Center
Grand Rapids, Minnesota
Festival: August 17-18
Deadline: Aug. 1
No entry fee, but donations welcome. Preview on vhs/dvd. Screener on DVD,
miniDV, DV Cam, 16mm, super8mm.
email suppressed
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.