Re: protest nyc's proposed film and photo law Thurs Aug 2 Union Sq

From: owen (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Aug 01 2007 - 15:08:02 PDT

This ain't LA . This is New York City.

On Aug 1, 2007, at 5:31 PM, Jim Carlile wrote:

> My understanding is that this rule only applies for time periods
> longer than ten minutes or so, correct? If you're there under a few
> minutes, no problem.
> In some ways, this is better than other cities. Try suburban L.A--
> any time you whip out a camera, people go ape. It's like you're a
> combined terrorist child molester. Everybody calls the cops
> nowadays. At least with the NY rules, you have some leeway.
> I don't see much of a difference here- it's always been the case in
> L.A. that the minute a group shows up, especially with a tripod,
> you need a permit.....The NY rules actually seem to be a loosening
> of the general rules elsewhere, IMO.

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