Re: protest nyc's proposed film and photo law Thurs Aug 2 Union Sq

From: Melissa Parson (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Aug 01 2007 - 21:56:59 PDT

>> john matturi wrote:
> It should be noted that it in the US is perfectly legal to
> photograph anyone or any building in a public place

> .good point, if a cop is beating my friend and i'm filming it, that
> cop sure as hell doesn't want me filming him, but screw him
my camera is rolling...
and even in a more benign situation where you want the shot, i can
see just taking it for arts sake
and do

On Aug 1, 2007, at 5:33 PM, John Matturri wrote:

> Melissa Parson wrote:
>> filming someone who doesn't want to be filmed
> It should be noted that it in the US is perfectly legal to
> photograph anyone or any building in a public place. Even Rudy
> Giuliani, an amateur photographer, affirmed that principle as have
> the courts. Using the material is more complicated, the standard
> being that commercial uses need a release and editorial uses do
> not. In term of still photography that means that you can use
> anyone's picture in a book or gallery show but not in an ad. Not
> exactly sure of how this applies to film.
> There was recently a proposal to ban photography in the subway
> system; public outcry kept this from being implemented though a
> week or so a transit cop told me in a very friendly manner to watch
> out about taking photos in the subway. Not at all harassing but
> also, as seems to be common, not really knowing the law. (Once was
> nearly arrested for photographing people at Coney Island and got
> apologies, promises of better training, and encouragement to carry
> on by the head of the precinct and the head of the Parks Department.)
> A good source of information, oriented to still photography is:
> j
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> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

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