Re: protest nyc's proposed film and photo law Thurs Aug 2 Union Sq

From: Jim Carlile (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Aug 02 2007 - 16:31:18 PDT

I'm just shocked that you guys in NYC don't realize that not only are the
filming rules being liberalized, but that no one else is getting as good a deal
as you are.
There's nothing wrong with permit rules for crew sessions on the street or
public property. There's nothing unconstitutional about them. It's not the
wrong thing to do. And now, solo artists have an unlimited right to film anywhere
in NYC.
Trust me, I've set up a lot of 'guerilla' shots and it took me less than 30
minutes to do so. L.A.'s rules make perfect sense, too-- without them, there'd
 be chaos. I'm curious, too, how filming with a crew on public property
somehow won't interfere with the rights of others.
-->On 8/1/07 10:13 PM, "Jim Carlile" <email suppressed> wrote:

> I don't know of any other city that would allow this, for ANY length of
I don't know how else to put this, but so what?
You're not saying that this is proof it's the right thing to do, are
you? You keep saying it's better than other cities, but what if it's
basically the wrong thing to do and everyone does it? That happens, right?

>A half hour is a lot of time to do things.
How did you pick a half hour? When a person walks by you, they don't
care if you've been there five minutes or five hours.
Maybe you don't make film yourself so you don't know that it can take a
long time to do something right. If you do know, why a half hour?
I'm just not getting the reasonableness of a time limit, EXCEPT if
you're keeping others from sharing the public space.

I totally agree with you about tying things up, as I wrote earlier. If
you're keeping other people from using the space, that may call for some
kind of negotiation, some understanding, or in an extremity of conflicting
uses, some kind of law.
Can you separate obstruction from the other issue of the time limit?

>In regards to L.A., the reason why they are strict has nothing to do
>with disrespect towards independents or artists. The reason is simple:
>without permits, every studio in town would be out there every day filming
>with impunity.
I don't have the same faith you have in the motives of the LA
government. But you're right, the issue of preventing others from using the
shared space has to be addressed.


"Millennium Park: Five Perspectives"
A documentary by Doug vanderHoof + Lynn Basa
Private Money + Private Taste = Public Park

Doug vanderHoof
Modern Media
Bucktown, Chicago

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