Re: protest nyc's proposed film and photo law Thurs Aug 2 Union Sq

From: Jim Carlile (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Aug 03 2007 - 18:52:49 PDT

Apparently, artist = idiot

On 8/3/07, flick harrison <email suppressed_
(mailto:email suppressed) > wrote:

> I don't know what's worse: the fact that some of you guys are
> getting
> hysterical over this, or that you don't have the slightest idea
> what you are
> talking about when it comes to the specifics.

Conservatives always call the opposition hysterical. I could say
you're hysterically supportive of the new rules, if 'hysterical'
wasn't such a problematic term.

Maybe I should say you are getting testostical about the rules.

flick = genius!!!

jim ya ain't gots no clue about charged words
cultural history/herstory

jim ya ain't got no clue about activism
jim ya ain't got no clue about NYC
jim ya ain't got no clue about culture
jim ya ain't got no clue about the ramifications of meaning
read some books
try to create dialogue - ask questions instead of mandating ego driven


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