From: Joost Rekveld (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Aug 18 2007 - 14:42:06 PDT
from what I know they did get an optical printer at some point and
organized a couple of screenings, but I have no idea how long it
You should definitely ask Barbara Meter; she was there at the time
and she is the only one from that group who is still an active
filmmaker. Other people who could tell you more are Simona Monizza
from the Filmmuseum, who is busy preserving some of the films from
that period, Jos Schoffelen who was (with barbara) one of the
founders of the coop I believe, and the people from the Filmbank, who
have been redescovering and programming some films from that period.
In the eighties Paul de Mol and Nelly Voorhuys organized a big
retrospective of dutch experimental film; you might want to dig up
their catalogue. I believe they covered the period untell the
seventies; the Filmbank D-light programme wa in some ways a sequel to
that programme, in the sense that it concentrated on more recent work.
Most experimental filmmakers in The netherlands didn't actually come
from that short-lived Amsterdam coop, but passed through the Free
Academy/ Psychopolis in The Hague, where Frans Zwartjes was.
good luck,
On Aug 18, 2007, at 6:01 , amanda christie wrote:
> greetings all,
> I'm doing some research and I found some vague
> references to the existence of an "Amsterdam
> Filmmakers Cooperatie" in the late 1960s early
> 1970s... but I can't find any specific details.
> The references I found came from the "mm2:
> Experimental film the Nederlands vanaf 1960" published
> by deFilmbank and deBalie.
> In one instance it says that the Amsterdam Filmmakers
> Cooperative never got off the ground (and came before
> the inception of the Electric Cinema and STOFF), and
> in another instance someone actually mentions using
> resources at the Amsterdam Filmmakers Co-op.
> But I can't find any details on the web.
> Has anyone heard of this co-op and know its history?
> i.e. did it actually ever exist as a functioning
> entity and if so for how long and in what capacity?
> There are also references to the Nederlandse
> Filmmakers Cooperatie which I'm assuming was a
> different entity altogether, but perhaps not.
> If anyone has any detailed information on either the
> Amsterdam Filmmakers Cooperative or the Nederlandse
> Filmmakers Cooperative, I would be very much
> appreciative.
> Thanks,
> Amanda Dawn Christie
> Amsterdam
Joost Rekveld
“This alone I ask you, O reader, that when you peruse the
account of these marvels that you do not set up for yourself
as a standard human intellectual pride, but rather the great
size and vastness of earth and sky; and, comparing with
that Infinity these slender shadows in which miserably and
anxiously we are enveloped, you will easily know that I have
related nothing which is beyond belief.”
(Girolamo Cardano)
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