Re: amsterdam film co-op from 1970s ?

From: Mark Webber (email suppressed)
Date: Sun Aug 19 2007 - 04:28:06 PDT

dear amanda

for information on the the dutch coop & electric cinema, i'd recommend you
contact :-

Tina Bastajian <email suppressed>
Barbara Meter <email suppressed>

also, try to reach Daniel Singelenberg, who was a filmmaker and, i think,
now writes on film for one of the dutch newspapers.

with best wishes,


> Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 12:01:28 -0400
> From: amanda christie <email suppressed>
> Subject: amsterdam film co-op from 1970s ?
> greetings all,
> I'm doing some research and I found some vague
> references to the existence of an "Amsterdam
> Filmmakers Cooperatie" in the late 1960s early
> 1970s... but I can't find any specific details.
> The references I found came from the "mm2:
> Experimental film the Nederlands vanaf 1960" published
> by deFilmbank and deBalie.
> In one instance it says that the Amsterdam Filmmakers
> Cooperative never got off the ground (and came before
> the inception of the Electric Cinema and STOFF), and
> in another instance someone actually mentions using
> resources at the Amsterdam Filmmakers Co-op.
> But I can't find any details on the web.
> Has anyone heard of this co-op and know its history?
> i.e. did it actually ever exist as a functioning
> entity and if so for how long and in what capacity?
> There are also references to the Nederlandse
> Filmmakers Cooperatie which I'm assuming was a
> different entity altogether, but perhaps not.
> If anyone has any detailed information on either the
> Amsterdam Filmmakers Cooperative or the Nederlandse
> Filmmakers Cooperative, I would be very much
> appreciative.
> Thanks,
> Amanda Dawn Christie
> Amsterdam

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