Arthur Lipsett: In Time

From: Brett Kashmere (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Sep 04 2007 - 08:51:47 PDT

Dear Framesters,

I'm currently preparing an exhibition of Arthur Lipsett's films for a museum in Strasbourg, which will be bolstered by a selection of Canadian collage film and video from the past half-century. The screenings are scheduled for late-November; the two programs will then have a short tour around France.

I'm curious about the exhibition history of Lipsett's work in Europe. I know that his films screened regularly at international festivals during his lifetime, mainly in the 1960s when he still had status with the National Film Board. Does anyone recall retrospective screenings of Lipsett's films around that time, or any since then?

I remember Fred Camper recently showed a couple of Lipsett films in Italy, but as part of a group screening.

Any information would be greatly appreciated!

Brett Kashmere

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