From: flick harrison (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Sep 06 2007 - 17:40:49 PDT
I saw it at the Pacific Cinematheque here in Vancouver a few years
back, with "Je T'Aime, Je T'aime," my favourite time-travel movie.
The connection was that La Jetee inspired the latter film, not to
mention 12 Monkeys.
I always refer to "Je t'aime, Je t'aime," along with "Strain
Andromeda The," whenever film fanboys try to convince me that Memento
is in any way clever.
On 6-Sep-07, at 11:13 AM, Brett Kashmere wrote:
> "La Jetee" was probably the most screened film print
> at the school where I did my undergraduate studies,
> the University of Regina (think southern Canadian
> prairies, or, just north of the Dakotas).
> As such, the print was in horrible shape, but us kids
> couldn't get enough of it. Seems like a common
> experience.
> Brett Kashmere
> Syracuse, NY
> --- Charles Woodard <email suppressed> wrote:
>> I first saw it in a film studies class in college. I
>> remember being struck
>> by it and wanting to see it again. It was on youtube
>> for a while, but now
>> with the DVD I can watch it as much as I want. Bonus
>> too since Sans Soleil
>> is coupled with it.
>>> I'm curious where people first encountered La
>> Jetee. For some reason I saw
>>> it over and over again on 16mm in Jr. High and
>> High School classes during
>>> the late 70's - in Antioch, CA, even, where it was
>> definitely not being
>>> shown out of any particular interest in the art of
>> filmmaking. Students
>>> called it "that movie made of slides" but most
>> everyone was happy to see
>>> it
>>> again when they'd roll the bell and howell in for
>> a showing. I must have
>>> seen it 6 or 7 times by the time I graduated from
>> high school.
> _______________________________________________________
>>> Brook Hinton
>>> film/video/audio art
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