From: iimura (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Sep 11 2007 - 18:19:55 PDT
one more addition:just published(self-promotion)
The Collected Writings of Takahiko iimura, On demand:
taka iimura
>More books:
>Michael O'Pray ed: The British Avant-garde Film: 1926-95 - An
>Anthology of Writings
>Michael O'Pray ed: Andy Warhol Film factory
>Julia Knight ed: Diverse Practices: A Critical Reader on British Video Art.
>Danino and Maziere eds: The Undercut Reader.
>David Curtis: A History of Artists' Film and Video in Britain 1897-2004.
>David James ed: Stan Brakhage: An American Filmmaker.
>Chris Meigh-Andrews: A History of Video Art: The Development of Form
>and Function.
>Hatfield and Littman eds: Experimental Film and Video: An Anthology.
>Nicky Hamlyn: Film Art Phenomena.
>Nicky Hamlyn.
>On 6 Sep 2007, at 02:20, Jack Sargeant wrote:
>>several of these books listed are from the 60s tho.... which is
>>fine, but there's so much more out there.... from the top of my
>>head published since 1997:
>>Paola Igliori - American Magus (harry smith)
>>Jack hunter - Moonchild: Films of Kenneth Anger
>>Jack Stevenson - Camp America (kuchars & waters)
>>Mark Webber - two films by owen land
>>Steve Barber - the art of destruction (vienna aktionists)
>>A L Rees - A history of experimental film & video
>>and yeah, MY BOOKS
>>On 6 Sep 2007, at 07:48, jason livingston wrote:
>>>You may want to do a search on the Frameworks archive. This topic
>>>comes up pretty regularly. Here are a few titles to get you
>>>started, though. Caveat: selective, incomplete... and I'm certain
>>>there are others to add.
>>>Points of Resistance: Women, Power & the New York Avant-garde
>>>Cinema. Lauren Rabinovitz
>>>A Line of Sight. Paul Arthur
>>>Allegories of Cinema: American Film in the Sixties. David E. James
>>>The Most Typical Avant-Garde. David E. James
>>>Lovers of Cinema: The First American Film Avant-Garde, 1919-1945.
>>>ed by Jan-Christopher Horak
>>>Underground film: a critical history. Parker Tyler
>>>Three faces of the film; the art, the dream, the cult. Parker Tyler.
>>>On Jack Smith's "Flaming Creatures" (and other Secret-Flix of
>>>Cinemaroc). J. Hoberman
>>>Hollis Frampton: (nostalgia). Rachel Moore
>>>Film at Wit’s End. Stan Brakhage
>>>An Introduction to the American Underground Film, Sheldon Renan
>>>Experimental Cinema in the Digital Age, Malcolm Le Grice
>>>To Free the Cinema: Jonas Mekas & the New York Underground, ed.
>>>David E. James
>>>Captured: a film/video history of the lower east side, ed by
>>>Clayton Patterson
>>>A History of the Avant-Garde Cinema, exhibition catalog, The
>>>American Federation of Arts
>>>Experimental Cinema: A Fifty-Year Evolution. David Curtis.
>>>Get a FREE small business Web site and more from Microsoftィ Office
>>>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
>>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.