Re: conference: VIDEO VORTEX: RESPONSES TO YOUTUBE in Brussels

From: Shelly Silver (email suppressed)
Date: Sat Sep 22 2007 - 17:50:26 PDT

will there be a transcript made or a webcast done of this event?

>Video Vortex: Responses to YouTube
>Fri 05.10.2007 // 11:00 - 19:00
>Argos Brussels
>Over the past years the moving image has claimed an increasingly
>prominent place on the internet. Thanks to a wide range of
>technologies and web applications it has become possible, not only
>to record and distribute video, but to edit and remix it on-line as
>well. With this world of possibilities within reach of a multitude
>of social actors, the potential of video as a personal means of
>expression has arrived at a totally new dimension. How is this
>potential being used? How do artists and activists react to the
>popularity of YouTube and other 'user-generated-content' websites?
>What is the impact of the availability of massive on-line images and
>sound databases on aesthetics and narrativity? How is Cinema, as an
>art form and experience, influenced by the development of widely
>spreading internet practices? What does YouTube tell us about the
>state of art in visual culture? And how does the participation
>culture of video-sharing and vlogging reach some degree of autonomy
>and diversity, escaping the laws of the mass media and the strong
>grip of media conglomerates?
>with Nora Barry, Johan Grimonprez, Peter Horvath, Lev Manovich, Ana
>Kronschnabl & Tomas Rawlings, Adrian Miles, Simon Ruschmeyer, Keith
>Sanborn, Peter Westenberg
>moderated by Geert Lovink.
>Co-production with Institute of Network Cultures
>+ screenings, curated by Keith Sanborn a.o.
>in the context of the Argos project OPEN ARCHIVE #1
>more info: <>
>Stoffel Debuysere
>mail: <mailto:email suppressed
>skype: stoffeldebuysere
>phone: +32 2 229 00 03
>mobile: +32 496200605
>For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.