Bolex EM problem

From: Tuni Chatterji (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Oct 10 2007 - 07:59:21 PDT

Wondering if anyone can help me figure out what is wrong with my motor. It
is the Bolex EM motor which attaches to the bolex Rex5 body.
I have made sure that the connections are all correct and I have disengaged
the camera motor and slid the shutter release to the M position.

When attached (or not) to the camera and with the power plugged in my motor
will only spin 2 or 3 times.. like a pulse.
The battery is definitely charged.
When I plug my mag motor into the top of the motor it seems to spin
continuously but still the drive pin (which should engage the camera's drive
shaft) on the EM only rotates once or twice.

Has anyone encountered this problem before? i would appreciate any advice as
I am in Bangladesh shooting without much support here.


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