From: Adam Hyman (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Oct 29 2007 - 16:40:00 PDT
Jim, I have to ask, have you ever been on a shoot with a truck? No group
shoot can even get a camera ready for a shot in 30 minutes.
On 10/29/07 2:47 PM, "Jim Carlile" <email suppressed> wrote:
> The original proposed rules last summer already exempted solo artists from any
> requirements. But they also allowed any group (two or more people) 30 minutes
> to shoot in any one location without permits, a location being defined as 100
> yards (feet?) apart.
> That was a good deal. I don't understand why the city voided this idea-- now
> every group with a truck or cables or any kind of installation must get a
> permit and, most likely, insurance as well-- even for pick up shots. The one
> hand giveth but the other taketh away. That's nothing to celebrate, and that's
> my point.
> The city could have kept the original proposal and just made the permits free
> and loosened the insurance requirements. Why didn't they? These new rules mean
> more red tape for smaller, low key productions.
> -----------------------------------------
> The new proposed rules look good. Artists photographers and independent
> filmmakers can shoot (handheld and with a tripod!) more freely.
> Any law has it's flaws but this new proposal directly addresses the issues
> brought to the attention of the Mayor's Office by the ACLU and the grassroots
> groups.
> Good work done by all who lent a hand. Bravo Mayor's Office.
> Owen Plotkin
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