Re: The Question About Space, Domestic and Otherwise.

From: Jason Cortlund (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Nov 20 2007 - 10:09:02 PST

Hi Ben--

With the films you already have in mind, and if you¹re not adverse to video
and/or small gauge for this, you might think about:

³Semiotics of the Kitchen² by Martha Rosler (5:30, 1975, video)
³Diary² by Oksana Buraja (Lithuania, 2004?, 24:00, video)--I highly
recommend tracking this one down--observations of an aging, dysfunctional
Lithuanian couple through their apartment window
³The Far East Apartment² by Tetsuya Mariko (32:00, 2004, regular 8mm)
self-ethnography (if that¹s possible) of a bored Japanese 20-something (much
better than it sounds)
Any number of pieces by Ximena Cuevas (Mexico) from the late-90s/early-00s
might be of interest--²Colchones Individuales² for example
Luther Price¹s ³Home² (1999, 11:00 super 8) comes to mind‹and I¹m sure there
are many other appropriate Price films that aren¹t coming to mind right now.
Also maybe some of Ken Kobland¹s work in the last decade would fit your
program? ³Buildings and Grounds² maybe?
And if you¹re willing or wanting something of a more traditional short
narrative to mix things up, the domestic spaces in ³Snake Feed² by Debra
Granik (1997) are pretty memorable.

Hope that helps,

Jason Cortlund
Brooklyn, NY

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.