From: amanda christie (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Nov 21 2007 - 01:41:35 PST
Hi Adam,
you could also try contacting
Lucie Charboneau in the Montreal office: logistics and
festivals: (514) 283-9806, email suppressed
Jane Gutteridge in the Toronto office: outreach and
(416) 954-3396 email suppressed
Kay Leung in the Pacific Yukon office: marketting
email suppressed
unfortunately it is true that the nfb got rid of
THOUSANDS of their prints a few years back. a list
went out to a lot of universities and film centres
across the country, the nfb was willing to pay the
shipping of the films to anyone who would take them,
but any films unclaimed by a certain date went to the
landfill.... there were sooo many films, that there
weren't enough people to take them and many DID wind
up in landfills.... which is a shame... some
institutions took hundreds of films... for free... and
the nfb paid the shipping.... the problem was
apparently storage.
so if the nfb does not have film prints of what you
would like (which it likely does not).... i know that
in british columbia, many prints from the pacific
yukon centre went to Langara College. So try
contacting them:
Ironically in 2005 the NFB did a screening in
Vancouver for the Edgecode program celebrating the
medium of film.... and they had to rent their old
prints back from Langara College!
In Halifax, I know that NSCAD (Nova Scotia College of
Art and Design) has recieved a large collection of the
prints (they might be shared with AFCOOP, but I'm not
sure.... either way... they're all stored at NSCAD....
but I don't know if they're actually catalogued yet.
you could try contacting Sol Levigne (formerly of the
Winnipeg Film Group) about those prints, because he's
currently teaching at NSCAD now, and he's the one who
showed me the print collection.
besides Langara and NSCAD, i'm not sure where the
other prints went.... but try contacting universities,
art academies, and film centres.
best of luck!
Amanda Dawn Christie
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