From: Kyja Kristjansson (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Dec 05 2007 - 08:49:48 PST
For anybody interested, there is a position opening at Minnesota State
University Moorhead, for a tenure track Assistant Professor. You can find
information by clicking on the "Film, Assistant Professor" link found here:
FYI: The department, philosophically, has a narrative focus in terms of
teaching, but creative work/research down other avenues (experimental,
animation, doc, hybrid work, etc.) are welcome. The department teaches film
studies and production (16mm film and video), with two undergraduate degree
emphases (History/Criticism or Film Production). The search chair is Prof.
Harold "Rusty" Casselton, and his contact information can be found on the
best wishes,
-- Kyja Kristjansson-Nelson Assistant Professor, Film Film Studies Dept. Minnesota State University Moorhead 1104 7th Avenue South Moorhead, MN, 56563 218-477-4624 email suppressed __________________________________________________________________ For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.