Where can I see, then rent these?

From: Dara G (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Jan 07 2008 - 21:57:48 PST

           Hello, I'm trying to find a way to preview and then
possibly rent the following titles. Several of them are at PFA (but
that is non-circulating). Anyone know

a) where I can preview/see these in the NYC or upstate NY area (or
receive screener copies)

b) who distributes them or where I can rent them?

thanks in advance for any assistance with this

best, Dara

Robert Machover, Norman Fruchter Troublemakers
anonymous Demonstrations 1967 Czech

Lee Savage Mickey Mouse in Vietnam 1968 USA

Yippee Film Collective Yippie 1968 usa

Zelimir Zilnik Student Strikes 1968

Agnes Varda Black Panthers 1969 France/USA

Peter Rosen I'm a Man 1969 USA

Jean-Luc Godard, Dziga Vertov Group See You at Mao

Dziga Vertov Group Stuggle in Italy 1970

anonymous Jan Palach 1969 Czech

Peter Rosen Bright College Years 1970

StaggerLee…Bobby Seale 1970

Charles Olin Eight Flags for 99 cents 1970

anonymous Time of Violence 1970 Argentina

Ruy Guerra The Gods and the Dead 1970 Brazil

Prato Palomares Andre Faria 1970 Brazil

Saul Landau+ others+collective Que Hacer? 1970 Chile-USA

Nick MacDonald Palestine 1971 USA

Marc Weiss The Revolutionary Was a Cop
1971 USA

Judy Smith, Louise Alaimo, Ellen Sorrin The Women's Film
1971 USA

Diego de la Texara Culebra: The Beginning 1971
Puerto Rico

Saul Landau, others Robert Wall, Ex-FBI Agent 1972

The Traitors, Grupo Cine de la Base (The Base Film Group) 1973

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.