Diana Arce: 30.1, 8PM Politaoke

From: Diana Arce (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Jan 29 2008 - 05:23:09 PST

I would like to invite you to my new new project:

January 30 8 pm
Gerber 3, Weimar Germany

Karaoke (from Japanese kara, "empty," and okesutora, "orchestra") via Wikipedia

“Politics is Hollywood for Ugly People”

Politicians are actors, deliverers of words cleverly written by high paid political scientists working as speech writers sent to them via teleprompters. Other times they are professional improvisers, stringing together the current events jargon into sound bits and phrases that are perfect for being cut into newspapers, radio shows and television. But maybe these words, reinterpreted, still retain the power and seriousness they have in the original delivery. And for the politicians that already have an air of ridiculousness to themselves, will change within the new interpretation.

For this round I have chosen to focus on three politicians, Angela Merkel, the current Chancellor of Germany, George W. Bush, and the recently retired Edmund Stoiber, former State President of Bavaria and former head of the Christian Social Union (CSU) party.

Can't make it to Weimar? Don't fret: coming to a city near you!

Best Regards,
Diana Arce


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