New Subject : Kinetta optical freeze framing effeciency.

From: Steven Lyle (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Feb 11 2008 - 21:32:25 PST

I was reading the brochure on the Kinetta scanning machine and was intrigued
  by the optical frame freeze method using triggered lamps and a CCD camera.
  Does this mean you don't need to worry about the original camera speed even
  with this method? I was under the impression that each frame to be scanned
  must be stationary in the gate and so when animated any film speed
  could be used in play-back including having an original unorthodox camera speed or in other words an "archival speed." (20 fps used to be popular for silent footage.)
  In short, how effective is the triggered lamp method in freezing each frame
  as the film whizzes past the sensor? And is the resolution just as good
  as a resting frame scan? Of course a continuous scan mode allows for faster film scanning.
  But is there a resolution and film speed trade-off?
  I do know that the Shadow Telecine is continuous but there is an attachment
  that digital compares each sprocket of each frame and digitally corrects the
  registration in post. Big dollars for that though.
  Best regards Steven "trying to figure out what TRUE frame by frame scanning is" Lyle.

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