Re: vinegar syndrome

From: Taylor, Charlotte E (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Feb 25 2008 - 07:47:41 PST

Thank you all for the advice and resources!!!

Yay for film!!!

From: Experimental Film Discussion List [email suppressed]
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 10:31 AM
To: email suppressed
Subject: Re: vinegar syndrome

Some good resources if you're just learning how to deal with archival film are the Film Preservation Guide, which is available as a pdf download, and the AMIA list.

In general, unless there isn't much control over humidity or you're dealing with a relatively small number of films, I'd go with cool/ dry storage (the Film Preservation Guide lists optimal conditions) in vented cans over molecular sieves to prevent further deterioration.

-Marcy Saude

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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.