From: Bernd Luetzeler (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Mar 31 2008 - 23:35:36 PDT
Depends how much you pay. I think compared to Withoutabox it's really
cheap, just a few Euros.
But then of course the question is does it really work. So this is
what happened:
- A friend who's working for the Hamburg short film agency
recommended reelport to me - so there must be something about it I
- I had major problems filling the online form, which at that time
didn't work properly on my mac.
- still I had sent in my DVD and they converted it into mp4 and put
it online and it plays on a Mac and looks quite decent.
- then for a long time nothing happened, and even I had given up
filling the form
- a few times I got a newsletter generally announcing some festival
deadlines and saying if u wanna submit your film at these festivals
go to reelport website.
- I never did that because in the meantime I had moved on and felt
like that work I had done myself in the meantime.
- then all of a sudden they started charging so I never paid
attention anymore
- to sum it up I think with me nothing happened because of technical
problems with the online form.
- I think it's really worth looking at it properly and pushing it and
reporting it here afterwards.
Am 01.04.2008 um 02:52 schrieb Brook Hinton:
> Unless you're submitting to a festival that absolutely requires the
> screener to be on Reelport I can't imagine any reason to PAY for
> using them.
> I think I have something on there from a few years back. I haven't
> paid attention since.
> Brook
> _______________________________________________________
> Brook Hinton
> film/video/audio art
> studio vlog/blog:
> __________________________________________________________________
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.