From: Mark Toscano (email suppressed)
Date: Tue Apr 08 2008 - 16:10:54 PDT
Howdy folks -
I'm at the beginning stages of getting this excellent
1967 Keewatin Dewdney film restored, and I'm trying to
track down ANY prints out there. Even a so-so print
could be a huge help, as there's not much to work with
on this one, unfortunately.
If you have ANY idea about where I could find a print,
please drop me a line either here offlist, or at
mtoscano -at- oscars -dot- org
For what it's worth, I'm already in touch with the
CFMDC, the Film-makers' Coop, Dan Barnett, and
Keewatin Dewdney.
Mark T
p.s. I'm much better covered on Dewdney's other
titles, but of course if you also know where I might
track down prints of Scissors, Malanga, Four Girls, or
especially Wildwood Flower, I'm all ears!
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