Joanie 4 Jackie Lives!

From: Ed Halter (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Apr 09 2008 - 19:24:12 PDT

Via Facebook:

submission extravaganza!
To members of Joanie4Jackie
joanie4jackie is requesting any video or film submissions for our next
chainletter! Founded in 1995 by performing artist and moviemaker Miranda
July, J4J is currently screening and distributing over 100 movies. We accept
work by women/girl/lady people/people who identify as ladies - when we
receive 10 submissions, we distribute them together as a chain letter (how
old fashioned~).

EVERY TAPE IS ACCEPTED!!! (don't be shy)

Won't you show us what you have been making?

this is so easy:
-your work should be less than 20 minutes in length
-format is your choice - miniDV, VHS, or DVD
-you should send it to our Bard College Headquarters @
Joanie 4 Jackie
c/o The Bard Film Department
PO Box 5000
Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504

Please spread the news, and visit our website for more information:

(J4J crew)

p.s. there is no deadline, but we can't make the chainletter until we have

For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.