Re: FRAMEWORKS Digest - 7 Apr 2008 - Special issue (#2008-156)

From: Mark Benedetti (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Apr 07 2008 - 21:39:27 PDT

Slater Bradley's video "The Year of the Doppelganger"
involves the Cal football team.

> Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 17:52:03 -0500
> From: Sarah Buccheri
> Subject: Athletics vs. Aesthetics
> Hello all,
> I'm setting up a program for The Experimental
> Film/Video Series at Woodland
> Pattern Book Center here in Milwaukee and was
> wondering if anyone has some
> titles to suggest.
> This program will address the question: What does a
> marginalized cultural
> force (underground and avant garde film/video) have
> to say about a dominant
> mainstream cultural force (competitive sport)? I
> began to think about art
> and sport after hearing a story in which the
> director of athletics at
> Princeton suggested that sport be made a topic for
> academic study, and that
> to study athletics is no different than studying
> other performative art
> forms. He received, along with the journalist
> reporting the story, many
> hostile reactions.
> I am looking for short works that reference
> mainstream competitive sport in
> any way, even if they don't seem to relate to this
> general question.
> sincerely,
> Sarah Buccheri
> --
> Sarah Buccheri
> UW-Milwaukee Dept. of Film, Video and New Genres
> Milwaukee LGBT Film/Video Festival
> email suppressed

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For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.