Re: Athletics vs. Aesthetics

From: Nicky Hamlyn (email suppressed)
Date: Mon Apr 07 2008 - 23:35:51 PDT

This is very interesting. Put's "Zidane" into perspective, hopefully.
George Best was an exceptionally talented but volatile figure. If you
want to know how big he was, look at his Wikipedia entry. He also
played for clubs in LA and Detroit by the way.

No-one has mentioned Olympia Part 2, by Leni Riefenstahl. She may not
have been very marginal, but it's an amazing, quasi-abstract montage
of athletic activity, and it should be shown even if only for
historical context,

Nicky Hamlyn.

On 8 Apr 2008, at 02:18, Tom B Whiteside wrote:
> Brett Kashmere's VALERY'S ANKLE from just a year or so ago is one.
> Another is the quite amazing FOOTBALL AS NEVER BEFORE by Helmuth
> Costard from maybe 30 years ago - many many cameras follow one
> player very closely through a game, it is cut in real time (so it
> is a feature, 90 minutes, I can't remember if the halftime is
> included) and it resolutely does not show the rest of the field.
> The player was George Best, so I am assuming this was English
> Premiere League. It is an experimental film, goes completely
> against the grain of the way soccer is usually shot and edited, and
> it makes you rethink all assumptions of both the subject and its
> conventional handling.
> - Whiteside
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