From: Regina Muff (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Apr 23 2008 - 09:33:23 PDT
just to let ya'll know, theres a wonderful essay in the latest camera obscura - someone named mandy merck on mulvey's "visual pleasure." great review of feminist manifestos. loved the way the mulvey is understood as a manifesto subjected to academic examination. and its in context, 70s radical feminist culture. the treatment since now reminds me of the socratic impact on tragedy, what nietzshce in birth of tragedy calls socratism, the birth of theoretical man - deathly optimistic, logical, scientific way of watching - killed off greek tragedy. put the bordwellian look at cinema on that page. back to my point, mulvey is writing between films, she's no academic. the merck does it real nice, lays out the social circumstances of that essay, how critics since have imitated the style, took inspiration, taken issue with lack of scholarship (what the hell is that, anyway?). yeah ok, so now we have the critique of big-picture psychoanalytic treatment, you know, so its totalizing, ignores race, etc. that's cool. but where do we go now, to bordwell and carrol? to hell with that. we got this critique of psychoanalysis in the deleuze collaboration with guattari several years before the mulvey. and someonwere elizabeth grosz wrote on what those dudes had to offer feminism. call me aggressive but i loved cixous an suleiman. i say take the scholarship for what its worth. if the mulvey can be ranked for academicism, we can rank film scholarship for creative value. productivity, baby, desiring-production.
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