From: Steve Polta (email suppressed)
Date: Fri May 09 2008 - 17:36:50 PDT
On the other hand-------
Whenever these discussions come up, there is always
talk of "what Jack Smith would have wanted"--that he
wanted to keep his work out of the hands of the
vultures etc (good for him). I never new/met the man,
but somehow I wonder that, if he were around today,
would he not "shit" to see his work on UBU or youtube
or whatever?? My impressions of Jack Smith (and maybe
this is just my own projection/fantasy) is that, while
he may have been against art elitism, he does not seem
to have really embraced what would today be called an
"open access" attitude toward his work--like the guys
who let you download/view their music (or film I
guess) for free. Jack's films--particularly FLAMING
CREATURES--seem to me to be all about the contexts
they were made and screened in--how many stories have
some of us heard about outrageous Jack Smith
screenings--on rooftops, in snow, which Jack
disrupting/editing his own films, etc? To me Jack
reveled in being "difficult" and "other" and seemed to
really really have a problem with mainstream culture
in a very significant way (this is putting it mildly).
I've screened/viewed FLAMING CREATURES *many times*
and always feel an irony in its polite presentation
at, for example, the Pacific Film Archive, or in a
University classroom--and then to read student essays
on it--my god, how weird! So the idea that one can
watch this film--which I understand as deliberately
part of a decidedly "capital U" Underground
spectacle--in one's home, at one's leisure, in
comfort--on a computer no less!--while one chats to a
pal in AIM, let's say, is--to me--beyond bizarre. In
this context, FLAMING CREATURES today, is a relic of a
mysterious distant time that we can "view," and think
about, and attempt to come to grips with, but never
really "get." It's very interesting. But, you know, I
never met the man...
Steve Polta
--- Tony Conrad <email suppressed> wrote:
> Hi Jerry--------
> Greetings from Brooklyn!
> I am wondering why Jack's work should not be
> somewhat more widely available at this point. For
> instance, we know that Flaming
> Creatures is online for viewing at UBU; Jack would
> shit if he knew that his work has suffered the fate
> of Montez's flix. There ought to
> be options for renting it in 16.
> In addition to the rental income, I know there were
> benefit screenings to produce prints. Is there a
> shortage of prints, or of funds for
> prints?
> Best wishes!
> -------t0ny
> On Thu May 8 7:33 , Jerry Tartaglia
> <email suppressed> sent:
> >
> >Re: Flaming Creatures
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >The films of Jack Smith are not available for
> >rental in Europe. The prints that are at the FDK
> are not for rent. They are
> >study prints. The NY Filmmakers Co-op and Canyon
> Cinema are the only sources for
> >16mm rental.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Jerry Tartaglia
> > "avarus non
> >implebitur"
> >Covetousness is never satisfied.
> >
> >
> >
> Tony Conrad 716-400-8738
> Department of Media Study, Center for the Arts 231,
> University at Buffalo 14260
> 190 Bedford Av, Ste 126
> Brklyn NY 11211
> For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at
> <email suppressed>.
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