From: andrew lampert (email suppressed)
Date: Mon May 12 2008 - 20:14:05 PDT
Hi -
I didn't send this to the Frameworks weekly listing since there are many non-film events, but figured many on the list (particularly NYC locals) would be interested. Below is a list of performers, for complete info check out the site: and click on 'calendar'.
The Stone
May 16 - May 31st
Ave C @ 2nd St
PUBLIC OPINION LABORATORY presents 2 full weeks of music, film, performance,
poetry, slide shows, specially commissioned recordings sent from afar (UK,
New Zealand and Japan), in-person international guests and much more at THE
STONE, an intimate performance space in NYC's East Village operated by
composer John Zorn.
Curated by Andrew Lampert
There are two sets each night (8+10) and the complete schedule is here:
Participating artists, musicians, filmmakers, performers and shows include:
Film-Makers' Coop Benefit
Greg Pierce
Okkyung Lee
Peter Evans
Steve Beresford
Bruce McClure
Public Opinion Laboratory: ALL MAGIC SANDS (Reel 1)
Invisible Circle Crew
Jason Fulford
Raha Raissnia
Jeff Perkins
Taketo Shimada
Barry Weisblat
White Out (Lin Culbertson, Tom Surgal)
MV Carbon
Chris Knox (Tall Dwarves)
Campbell Kneale (Birchville Cat Motel)
Rosy Parlane,
Johannes Contag
Kieran Monaghan
Philip Dadson
Rachel Shearer (Lovely Midget)
Greg Cairns
Ben Spiers
Mark Williams (The Idle Suite)
Greg Malcolm, Cortina
Sam Hamilton
The Long Arm of the Law of Numbers
The New Zealand National Youth Choir
Miguel Frasconi
Brooke Sietinsons
Meara O'Reilly
Eric Carbonara
Bill Nace
Jeff Preiss
Zeena Parkins
Saul Levine
Katt Hernandez
Rob Brown
Craif Taborn
Gerald Cleaver
Todd Nicholson
Peter Stampfel
Eli Smith
Jeannie Scofield
Jay Sanders
Hot Garbage (Spencer Herbst & Phillippa Shao)
Pigeons (Clark Griffin, Wednesday Knudsen & Carter Thornton)
Jim O'Rourke
Karen Waltuch
Steve Dalachinsky
Yuko Otomo
Stephanie Stone
Gerd Stern
Francois Boue
Taylor Ho Bynum
Bradley Eros
Nastya O
David Bryant
Roger Tellier-Craig
Karl Lemieux
Radwan Moumneh
Jonathan Parant
Alexandre St-Onge
Sally Golding
Anahita (Helena Espvall, Tara Burke)
Wu Fei
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.