Chicago: films by Mike Henderson & Robert Nelson

From: Mark Toscano (email suppressed)
Date: Tue May 13 2008 - 14:58:43 PDT

Howdy folks -

Hope anyone in the Chicago area can come out this
Sunday to a screening I'm doing at Cinema Borealis,
with big thanks to James Bond and Michelle Puetz.
Free admission! Bring your friends! Films by Mike
Henderson, Robert Nelson, and even a couple by both of
these guys collaborating.

Henderson's films were the subject of some brief
Frameworks discussion not too long ago, and I can't
recommend them enough to you all. They're fantastic.
He made about two dozen of 'em, too, and they've been
shown very seldom, which I think will be changing over
the next year or two as I gradually get them preserved
and screenable. (All the prints in this particular
screening will be vintage ones.)

Show info:


SUNDAY May 18th, 8:30pm
1550 North Milwaukee, 4fl
Chicago, IL*

All films 16mm with sound, and not necessarily shown
in this order:

DUFUS (1970, b/w, 8m)
MOTHER'S DAY (1970, b/w, 15m)
DOWN HEAR (1973, b/w, 12m)
PITCHFORK AND THE DEVIL (1979, b/w & color, 15m)

HOT LEATHERETTE (1967, b/w, 5m)
DEEP WESTURN (1974, b/w & color, 6m)
SPECIAL WARNING (1976/98, b/w & color, 8m)

Henderson and Nelson:
KING DAVID (1970/2003, color, 9m)
WORLDLY WOMAN (1973, b/w & color, 8m)

Mike Henderson (b. 1944)
A Bay Area painter and Blues musician, Henderson also
made about 2 dozen films, most of which have been seen
by almost nobody. Though he's known more for his
non-film work, Mike's 16mm shorts, inspired quite a
bit by his early encounters (and long friendship) with
Nelson, are gloriously original and full of incredible
wit, artistry, and a funky elegance, cutting to the
bone from many unexpected directions.

Robert Nelson (b. 1930)
Since the appearance of his 1965 underground classic,
Oh Dem Watermelons, Nelson has produced a substantial
body of work, loaded with humor and satire, cinematic
non-sequitirs, genuine epiphanies and surprises,
skirting the edge of unhinged, but always holding
artfully together. It's Nelson's ride, but he always
leaves room for the audience in the passenger seat,
especially when he's plunging off a cliff.


thanks for listening

mark t


For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.