From: owen (email suppressed)
Date: Tue May 13 2008 - 16:36:02 PDT
The donkey or ass, Equus asinus, is a member of the Equidae family,
and an odd-toed ungulate. The words refer to the domesticated E.
asinus. The animal considered to be its wild ancestor is the African
Wild Ass, also E. asinus.
Colloquially, the term "ass" is usually used today to refer to a
larger, horse-sized animal, and "donkey" to a smaller, pony-sized
one. In the western United States, a small donkey is sometimes called
a burro. A male donkey or ass is called a jack, a female a jenny, and
offspring less than one year old, a foal (male: colt, female filly).
While different species of the Equidae family can interbreed,
offspring are almost always sterile. Nonetheless, horse/donkey
hybrids are popular for their durability and vigor. A mule is the
offspring of a jack (male) donkey and a mare (female horse). The
mating of a male horse and a female donkey produces a hinny.
Asses were first domesticated around 3000 BCE[1], approximately the
same time as the horse, and have spread around the world. They
continue to fill important roles in many places today and
domesticated species are increasing in numbers (although the African
wild ass and another relative, the Onager, are endangered species).
As "beasts of burden" and companions, asses and donkeys have worked
together with humans for centuries.
The donkey has long been a symbol of ignorance. Examples can be found
in Aesop's Fables, Apuleius's The Golden Ass (The Metamorphoses of
Lucius Apuleius) and Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Because of its connection with ignorance, in modern slang, referring
to someone as a dumbass means that they are unintelligent. Many
people would find this term vulgar and rude.
In contrast, to refer to someone as a jackass in modern slang
provides a connotation of being obnoxious, rude, and thoughtless,
with or without the added connotation of stupidity. This usage is
also considered vulgar. A less vulgar substitute is donkey itself.
The unmodified word ass has entered common use in the English
language as a term used to describe a person who is stubborn,
foolish, or disagreeable.
In football, especially in the United Kingdom, a player who is
considered unskilful, and to rely overly on his physical attributes
to cover up his technical shortcomings, is often dubbed a "donkey."
In horse racing in the British Isles, unsuccessful horses are often
labeled donkeys.
The term "donkey" is frequently used to refer to unskilled poker
players, especially those playing in a predictably loose and
unthinking fashion. Compare "patzer" in chess.
In Arabic, حمار (ḥemar), meaning "donkey", is a derogatory term
that refers to someone of very limited intelligence. Another usage is
حمار شغل (ḥemar shuġl, literally "work donkey"), roughly
equivalent in meaning to workaholic but with a distinct derogatory
note and typically implying that the work is routine and non-
creative; for example, someone might say, "Give that job to Ali, he's
a work donkey anyway and he won't mind."
On May 13, 2008, at 6:52 PM, Jim Carlile wrote:
> There's lots of exchange of ideas going on. You just don't happen
> to like them.
> Pretty thin skin you have-- but very common. I know criticism is
> out of style these days-- replaced, sadly, by sentimental
> impressionism and relativism-- but just what kind of discussions do
> you like?
> For me, I get tired of passive/aggressive, mindless gushing about
> things. Kodachrome is a great example of this, because it has been
> surrounded by such a huge mythology. It seems to have replaced mom
> and dad for some people.
> If you don't like this, you should see some of the arguments on the
> photo sites. Kodachrome sentimentalists having the audacity to
> argue violently with the chemists and technicians who invented it!
> Why this happens all the time I don't get.
> yeah, and I was right about that too. Just wait till problems
> develop on the street, with arrogant 'filmakers' (video most
> likely) pushing their weight around because they feel entitled to
> get in people's way.
> Those rules will change, probably sooner rather than later. People
> are going to blow it.
> I'm really amazed at some of the mindless arrogance here.
> In a message dated 5/12/2008 9:41:15 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> email suppressed writes:
> Kodachrome
> They give us those nice bright colors
> They give us the greens of summers
> Make you think all the world’s
> a sunny day
> Paul Simon, “Kodachrome”
> Wasn't Carlisle that guy who poo-poohed concerns about the NYC
> filming in the streets issue and trashed anyone with a slightly
> different idea? If so, it seems his favorite role is to be the Mr.
> Grumpy nay-sayer on this list.
> Perhaps we, the rest of us, agree to on a weekly basis throw him a
> bone or yank his chain so he can get his bark on.
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