From: Diana Arce (email suppressed)
Date: Fri May 16 2008 - 04:25:37 PDT
HI Everyone,
I am still in the mists of planning my Politaoke tour and would like
to do dates in Denver during the Democratic National Convention (Aug
25-28) and Republican National Convention (Sept 1-4) in Minneapolis.
Does anyone have any suggestions or contacts that might be of some
Best Regards,
Diana Arce
Here is a short abstract of the project and an preliminary promotional
Now you too can deliver the great rhetoric filled speeches of today's
most important politicians in this audience participation performance!
POLITical speeches as karAOKE = POLITAOKE.
Politicians are actors, deliverers of words cleverly written by high
paid political scientists working as speech writers sent to them via
teleprompters. Other times they are professional improvisers,
stringing together the current events jargon into sound bits and
phrases that are perfect for being cut into newspapers, radio shows
and television. But their words, whether powerful, ridiculous or down
right wrong, belong to us. Politaoke provides the audience a platform
to perform, mock and finally hear and see clearly what their
politicians say. In celebration of the upcoming election, speeches
from current and former primary candidates (John McCain, Mike
Huckabee, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama) as well as the showstopper
George W. Bush Jr. will be included in the line up.
Alte Feuerwache e.V
Dorfstrasse 61
99441 Kromsdorf
t: +49 3643 418 251
m: +49 179 633 4631
email suppressed
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.