From: Mark Toscano (email suppressed)
Date: Wed May 28 2008 - 16:16:24 PDT
Howdy folks -
Just wanted to pass along that Robert Nelson will be
having a photo show in L.A. (Glassell Park area) June
6-July 18. The opening reception on June 6 will be
from 7-10pm and feature, at about 9:30, a one-time
projection of a new 16mm work-in-progress of Bob's.
(He's been working on a new film for several months
Here's the info, hope some of you can make it!
Another Year in L.A.
2121 N. San Fernando Road, #13
Los Angeles, CA 90065
Info on the reception:
Friday, June 6, 2008
7pm to 10pm
The film screening will take place at about 9:30, and
will run about 12 minutes.
All the best,
Mark T
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.