From: Myron Ort (email suppressed)
Date: Wed Jun 04 2008 - 19:26:24 PDT
You got it pretty much right Fred. From what I read in Brakhage's
book he went from tweaked to bizarre to totally dysfunctional. I
think some drug abuse and mental disorder was involved. btw, I highly
recommend Stan's book and of course all of his writings.....
I myself have not seen his films yet since they were not presented
along with the historical avant garde cinema I was initially exposed
to at SF State U film dept. in the mid 60s, and somehow I have missed
local showings over the years here. Apparently they are not yet
readily available in dvd format.
I am looking forward to seeing them at some point along with all
(or at least many) of the films I have missed seeing these many
years. For example, I only recently "saw" (dvd if that counts) the
Isou film since it was included in those recent avant garde
compilations of Rohouer's collection that are on the market.
Incidentally, when I was in high school in 50s LA we used to go
regularly to the neighborhood Coronet cinema on LaCienega Blvd.
Little did I know then.......
probably saw early Brakhage films there at some point.....(I wouldn't
discover filmmaking (as a path) until many years later when all other
"majors" didn't seem to click.....if you know what I mean.....
ps. the Coronet still seems to be there last time I visited (not long
On Jun 4, 2008, at 4:35 PM, Fred Davidson wrote:
> Yes, that's right, Christopher Maclaine was his name. Thanks
> Myron. Christopher Maclaine. No relation to Senator John McCain or
> Bruce Willis's character Officer John McClane. Are the rest of my
> facts pretty much right Myron? I don't remember exactly. Have I
> grossly misstated anything here?
> On Jun 4, 2008, at 5:49 PM, Myron Ort wrote:
>> On Jun 4, 2008, at 2:01 PM, Fred Davidson wrote:
>>> Where would avant-garde film be without junkies and psychos?
>>> Well, it would be without the director of "The End". What was his
>>> name? Marilyn? Fred? Anyone? Who am I trying to think of? The
>>> speed freak that Stan Brakhage championed. He ultimately died
>>> young in a mental hospital didn't he? He was a junkie and a
>>> psycho wasn't he?
>> Christopher Maclaine. (see Brahage: Film At Wit's End)
>> Myron Ort
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