From: TIE (email suppressed)
Date: Thu Jun 05 2008 - 04:31:17 PDT
Cinema Jou Jou III:
The following film works will be presented at Cinema Jou Jou III. The pieces (and a couple surprises) will be situated amongst several small programs throughout the evening. Several of the filmmakers will be on hand to answer questions.
Orgia by Willard Maas (1967, 16mm, color, sound, 12 min)
Cake Film remixed by Andrew Busti (16mm, 2008, world premier)
Powerman by Lenny Lipton (1966, 16mm, color, sound, 5 min)
Oblivion by Tom Chomont (1969, 6 min., 16mm)
Razor Head by Tom Chomont (1984, 4 min., 16mm)
How Many Bodies Did Bad Boy Bobby Bury (Super-8, 2008, live audio by Mad Krak)
Richard's Bath (16mm, black and white, silent, 14 min)
Double Your Pleasure by M. M. Serra (16mm, 4 min., 2002)
Cake by Jesse Kennedy (Super-8, 4 min., 2008, world premier)
Anonymous Cake Film (16mm)
****Cinema Jou Jou III is also the launch party for the gorgeous TIE Monograph, a limited edition set of 150. The work of art includes exclusive new interviews with several filmmakers. New essays, photos, reviews and much more celebrate eight distinct TIE exhibitions that were held in 2007 in three countries.
Cinema Jou Jou III:
For info on FrameWorks, contact Pip Chodorov at <email suppressed>.