From: Ken Paul Rosenthal (email suppressed)
Date: Fri Jun 06 2008 - 12:46:47 PDT
As an alternative source for Super 8 100D, Whittner in Germany:
comes very highly recommended. The price of their Super 8 100D is equivalent to the going US price of $35/cartridge. Don't know what the shipping is, and if X-raying will be an issue. But given the fact that it is reveral, not negative, and the speed is slow, this will likely not be an issue.
Their site looks amazing but, alas, it's all in German.
I tried emailing them, asking if they had an english version, as well
as my concerns regarding x-rays, but only received a stock response
saying to simply go to the website.
Has anyone dealt with Whittner before, and/or have a direct contact/email address for them?
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